Pallet circulating system / Carrousel System

Precast Concrete Technology: -
Using precast concrete method, it improves the speed of construction depending on the complexity of the layout and detailing in the specification. Concrete today is a complex material. Modern concrete technology offers economical solutions to production, construction, design and architectural dilemmas. In order to get the best result from the precast concrete technology, Experience precast Architects, Structural engineers are required along with well-trained and experienced erection crews are also must to carry out the site work with utmost satisfaction. Precast concrete products do not need any finishing (such as plastering) on site. By using coloured aggregates and form liners beautiful patterns can be achieved on outer load bearing walls of building.1). Construction time cost by = 50-60% (Cast-in-situ built v/s Precast)
2). Labour numbers on site cost by = 50-60% (Cast-in-situ built v/s Precast)
3). Waste material on site cost by = 40-45% (Cast-in-situ built v/s Precast)
4). Cost due to less snagging cost by = 40-50% (Cast-in-situ built v/s Precast)
The most simple & economical solution and up-to-date machinery and equipment can be arranged from our principle in china. Our design and engineering staff are precast professionals with ample experience in the design of precast concrete structure.
Pallet circulating system: -
Provided by our professional and efficient Chinese company optimize each activity in the manufacturing process and there by provides a better quality control. The Pallet circuiting system allows manpower to specialize in every single step of work, thereby optimizing the production for Material flow optimization, Mechanization and automation of the different work station, Planning, Production & Quality control By Binding the different precast Work Stations and determining the work areas, one can select Machinery, materials and equipment in specific places, thus reducing the work-flow.The control includes a power supply and control part necessary for operating the respective Machine of workstation. All electrical components are integrated into housings protected from dust and moisture.
The shuttering pallets are continually in circulation, which makes for significantly more efficient production processes than stationary production and hence delivers higher productivity from the plant. Once the Precast concrete element is installed; it allows an immediate working platform for other trades to conduct work. This can take place while the rest of the frame is erected.
Requirements to set-up Precast Concrete Element Plant: -
For Maximum annual production capacity of say 2,50,000 m2 / year of Precast Concrete elements like Solid load bearing External walls, solid floors, Double layer walls or precast elements with core insulation, Partition walls / Internal wall panel, Composite slab panel, Beam, Column, Staircase, Double Tee, Balcony compound wall etc.For best production facility with expansion plus in future setting –up of Hollow core slab production & storage, a good size of Precast Concrete factory area Totally required is about 70,000 – 1,00,000 square meters. (Say 25 acres).
About 170 meter x 25 meters - 2 bays are required for Precast Concrete elements production workshop. One line is the ‘standard part production line’ for standard parts; the other is the ‘special part production line’, which caters for the time-consuming operations such as fitting special reinforcement, required for special precast elements. Where jobs require an especially flexible response the pallet can be moved across to the other production line. On one line pallet circulating system is fitted & on other bay is for Special elements, Beam & Column, Double Tee, Tilting Tables & Battery mould etc., (Based on pallets with dimensions of 12 x 4 meter & At an utilization rate of 60 to 80% this allows the manufacture of approx. 25 to 30 m2 precast concrete parts per pallet per hour)
Attached with above plant 5,000 m2 for Concrete Batching & mixing plant (Approx. 180 m3/hr.) with storage of aggregates, sand & having 2 - 4 nos. of Cement silos etc., Steam boiler plant, Area for Reinforcing preparation workshop with Tools for cutting & forming steel reinforcement along with Steel fabrication & general workshop machinery for repair & maintenance, general store area plus finish good storage area 30,000 – 50,000 m2, Quality control dept., beside this, it also need to consider Administrating Building with all utilities, Staff Quarters.
Other requirements are Drinking Water storage tanks & pump house, Transformer sub Station for 1500 - 2000 KVA, Weighbridge - 60T, Good internal Road etc. plus vehicles, Trucks, Wheel Loader, forklift & Cranes etc. Full load production personnel required is approx. 200 - 400 nos. And roughly construction period required for above is 4 - 6 months minimum.
This allows the company to cater to Residential housing, commercial and Industrial construction needs, including modular products for schools, and many speciality products in addition to floor slabs and walls.